How to Find Literary Translation Jobs

by Alana Vye, Demand Media

Literary translators convert fictional works from one language to another by not only translating language, but also by ensuring cultural references can be understood in the new market. Literary translators often work as freelancers for major publishing companies, literary magazines or websites. Literary translators are constantly looking for new translating opportunities, but there are ways to make the hunt simpler.

Starting Out

Starting out as a literary translator can be tough. You need published work to get more contracts, so building a portfolio can be tricky. When you're starting out, find an essay or short story that appeals to you and ask the author if you can translate it. If you can't reach the author, contact her publisher for permission. Translate the piece and submit your work to websites or literary magazines, such as "Paper Republic." You probably won't be compensated for your first efforts, but you'll be on your way toward building a portfolio, practicing your craft and building your list of contacts.

Follow Industry News

A great way to sniff out new projects is to monitor literary translation websites and websites that specialize in your area, such as French-to-English translation. These should provide you with job listings and industry news that will help inform you what types of projects you should be pursuing. Read new works in your language and contact authors that impress you. Keep building a list of potential agents, publishers, and editors and keep them informed of new projects that you think might interest them, and show them sample translations. You'll need to pitch projects frequently, but eventually, you will get projects by word of mouth.

Apply for Grants

Another option is to search for translation prizes and awards. Your work could be either long or short. If you win funding to work on the project, you will not only bring attention to your translation but to your profile as a translator. This type of word-of-mouth publicity will be invaluable to your future career. American PEN offers a substantial translation prize. PEN America is also a great resource for grants and residencies. Most prizes are for specific languages or fields of interest. Residencies can be found at American foundations, artist retreats and universities. Working in these environments will provide you with funding and connect you with a variety of individuals who will be great contacts when searching for future work.

Building an Online Presence

The American Literary Translator's Association (ALTA) recommends building your online presence to raise your profile and attract translation contracts. First build a personal website either through an independent host or a blog, such as Include your contact information, language and translation experience, list of publications with links as applicable, any prizes or awards and your CV. Promote your website by adding the link to your email signature and business card, by adding it to professional directories and by promoting it on social media sites. Sign up for the ALTAlk Yahoo! group and network with your peers. Make sure to keep the content on your website fresh. Adding a blog is a great idea. You should update once a week. Make sure readers can get updates via RSS or a weekly email update.

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About the Author

Alana Vye is a Canadian writer living abroad. She had a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from the University of Toronto and has worked in online marketing and publicity. She's also an avid traveler who has visited Asia, Europe and Central America.

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